About us

about hunza valley beverages

My ancestors hailed from Kashmir, a heavenly valley nestled among the lofty Himalayas in Northern Pakistan/India (and, yes, the inspiration for the eponymous song by Led Zeppelin). Growing up, my siblings and I were used to hearing our elders talking about the benefits of this or that fruit, vegetable or spice in treating such and such disease or ailment. As children, our cuts and abrasions were usually treated by our dear mother with a combination of honey and turmeric. Earaches were treated with oil in which some garlic had been fried. Growing up, my siblings and I did not have a very high regard for such seemingly “ backwards” home remedies, and we - to the dismay of mom - preferred being treated with what we considered to be real medicine.

It was not until much later in life that I began to notice that almost all of modern medicine’s most effective and common remedies were derived from the plant kingdom. For example:

  • Aspirin, arguably the most common medicine in the world, comes from the Willow Bark tree.

  • Opium (later refined to morphine) and codeine originate from the poppy plant.

  • Digoxin, once the most popular heart medicine, comes from the Foxglove plant.

  • Amiodorone, one of the most potent cardiac anti-arrhythmic drugs, is derived from the khella plant.

  • Penicillin and all its modern descendants originated from a fungus.

  • The marijuana plant is the source of the most effective childhood epilepsy drug.

These and many similar observations led me to look at fruit, vegetables, and common spices in an entirely new and more appreciative light. I believe the reason for this prevalence of life-saving compounds in the plant kingdom is due to the fact plants are the only living organisms that are fixed in a location and cannot move to seek sustenance or escape from danger. Thus, nature in its wisdom and benevolence has armed plants with substances that allow them to survive despite their immobility.
This newfound respect for natural remedies has impacted my work as a physician. I often tell my patients first to try herbal products (from a reputable source) for their common illnesses before taking any prescription medicine. For example, I have found that Trifala (an Ayurvedic mixture of three fruits available in juice or tablet form) works wonders for many of my patients with symptoms that suggest irritable bowel syndrome; those patients often report that their IBS symptoms are completely cured without any additional medication. I also have had great success in treating my older patients with acute coughs using a mixture of honey, turmeric, and cinnamon; this treatment is not only effective, but it works without the side effects like drowsiness or confusion that are commonly associated with over-the-counter or prescription cough suppressants.

TO YOUR HEALTH: Our mission is to provide a great tasting , longer lasting, healthier energy shot with more health benefits than any other energy shot brand on the market. And To provide safe, effective and carefully formulated products to benefit your health.

WE GIVE BACK! 5% of all proceeds are donated to underserved local schools in the community.

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Aenean pharetra libero magna, vel facilisis metus suscipit eu. Duis a venenatis risus. Cras at dui est. Vivamus porta nunc eros. Pellentesque vel sodales augue. Nulla placerat orci at urna ultricies adipiscing. Maecenas nec aliquet arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In risus neque, pretium id sollicitudin nec, bibendum at leo. Nullam condimentum, sem scelerisque volutpat nec odio.

Aenean pharetra libero magna, vel facilisis metus suscipit eu. Duis a venenatis risus. Cras at dui est. Vivamus porta nunc eros. Pellentesque vel sodales augue. Nulla placerat orci at urna ultricies adipiscing. Maecenas nec aliquet arcu.

About Dr. K.N. Anwar

I was trained in Cardiology at the famed Cleveland Clinic, a center of innovation at the cutting edge of research. With this background, it naturally occurred to me to integrate my knowledge of modern medicine and ancient wisdoms. To make our energy shot, we used applied theoretical knowledge of the ingredients - botanicals, natural sugars, vitamins, and minerals 1 - to create a product that potentiates the beneficial effects of those ingredients while minimizing any naturally occurring side effects. Minimizing the negative side effects was of utmost importance to me, since many of the most popular energy shots and drinks on the market produce significant side effects that adversely impact consumers. For example, many of the currently available energy shots have excessive amounts of caffeine and other stimulants, which can prove to be dangerous for many consumers. Moreover, most of these other products have no glucose in them, even though the glucose molecule is the ONLY source of energy for our brain cells. Zapping your brain with stimulants without providing it with fuel is like trying to jump-start a car that has an empty gas tank. If you would not do this to your car, why would you do it to your brain?

There is a reason we named our company after Hunza Valley. The region is famous for the longevity of its inhabitants; it is reported that residents of Hunza Valley regularly live up to the ripe old age of 100. Our energy drink is inspired by the healthy and clean lifestyle of Hunza Valley’s people. That is why we insist on using all-natural, mostly plant-based ingredients, derived from the actual source and not synthesized artificially in a laboratory. We are sure that our energy shot will put you on the path to a not only productive life, but a healthy one as well.

Be well,
K. N. Anwar, MD.,FACC